Fjs = {} function Fjs:new(name) local out = {} setMetatable(out,self) self.__index = self out.name = name return out end function Fjs:sayHello() print("my name is " .. self.name) print("hello") end local fjs = Fjs:new("fjs") fjs:sayHello()
Fjs = class("Fjs") function Fjs:ctor(name) self.name = name end function Fjs:sayHello() print("I am " .. self.name) print("hello") end fjs = Fjs.new("fjs") fjs:sayHello()
function class(classname,super) local superType = type(super) local cls --如果提供的super既不是函数,也不是table,那么就直接将super当做不存在 if superType ~= "function" and superType ~= "table" then superType = nil super = nil end --如果有提供super if superType == "function" or (super and super.__ctype == 1) then -- 定义一个table,它将作为类的定义 cls = {} --如果super是table,那么将super中定义的字段先全部拷贝到cls中 --然后将__create方法指定为super的__create方法 if superType == "table" then -- copy fields from super for k,v in pairs(super) do cls[k] = v end cls.__create = super.__create cls.super = super else --这里提供的super时函数,那么也就是用这个方法来构造对象,那么直接将__create方法指向super cls.__create = super end --提供一个空的ctor构造函数 cls.ctor = function() end cls.__cname = classname cls.__ctype = 1 --定义.new(...)方法,他用户构建对象,首先是调用__create方法来构建一个table对象,然后将cls里面定义的字段全部拷贝到创建的对象中 --接下来在调用ctor构造方法 function cls.new(...) local instance = cls.__create(...) -- copy fields from class to native object for k,v in pairs(cls) do instance[k] = v end instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end else --从lua的类型中继承 if super then cls = clone(super) cls.super = super else --直接就没有super,那么定义cls为一个带有空ctor的table cls = {ctor = function() end} end cls.__cname = classname cls.__ctype = 2 -- lua cls.__index = cls --这里的new方法,首先是创建了空的table,然后将其Metatable指向为cls --然后在调用ctor构造方法 function cls.new(...) local instance = setMetatable({},cls) instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end end --返回类型的定义 return cls end
GameScene = class("GameScene",function() return cc.Scene:create() end) function GameScene:ctor() end function GameScene:create() return GameScene.new() end