<!--index.wxml--> <view class="container"> <view class="wrap"> <view class="teacherInfo flex"> <view><text>{{teacherName}}</text>老师</view> <image id="menu" src="../images/menu.gif" bindtap="powerDrawer" data-statu="{{isopen}}"></image> </view> <view class="tab" style="height:{{heigh}}px"> <view class="tabTitle"> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="weui-navbar"> <view id="0" class="{{activeIndex == 0 ?'titleActive':''}} titleItem" bindtap="tabClick" > 我的课表 <view class="arrow" wx:if="{{showArrow}}"></view> </view> <view id="1" class="{{activeIndex == 1 ?'titleActive':''}} titleItem" bindtap="tabClick"> 高思校历 <view class="arrow" wx:if="{{!showArrow}}"></view> </view> </scroll-view> </view> <view class="tabBody" style="height:{{heigh-34-55}}px"> <view class="tabBodyWrap" style="height:{{heigh-34-55}}px;"> <swiper current="{{activeIndex}}" duration="500" bindchange="swiperChange" style="height:{{heigh-34-55}}px;"> <!-- 课表 --> <swiper-item> <view class="tabBodyItem" style="height:{{heigh-34-55}}px;"> <view class="checkDate"> <view class="checkDateWrap"> <view class="date" bindtap="showFloat">{{cur_year}}年{{cur_month}}月</view> <view class="leftArrow" data-handle="prev" bindtap="handleCalendar"></view> <view class="rightArrow" data-handle="next" bindtap="handleCalendar"></view> <view class="bottomArrow"></view> </view> <view class="today" bindtap="tapToday">今天</view> </view> <view class="month"> <view class="monthTitle flex"> <block wx:for="{{weekArr}}"> <view style="width:{{100/7}}%;text-align:center; color:{{index==5 || index==6 ? '#888':'#888'}}">{{item}}</view> </block> </view> <view class="monthBody flex"> <view wx:if="{{hasEmptyGrid}}" wx:for="{{empytGrids}}" wx:key="{{index}}" data-idx="{{index}}" style="width:{{100/7}}%;"></view> <block wx:for="{{days}}"> <view class="item" style="width:{{100/7}}%;" bindtap="tapDayItem" data-idx="{{index}}"> <view class="num {{index == cur_day-1?'nowDayColor':''}} {{item.classInfo.length?'haveClass':''}} {{item.choosed==true?'tipColor':''}}" style="color:;">{{item.day}}</view> </view> </block> </view> </view> <view class="selectDetail" style="height:{{}}px;"> <view class="detailItem flex" wx:for="{{classContent}}"> <view class="dot">●</view> <view class="content"> <view>{{item.dtDateSect}}</view> <view>{{item.title}}</view> <view class="address"><text wx:if="{{!item.sRoomName}}">{{item.sAreaName}}</text>{{item.sRoomName}}</view> </view> <view class="kejie">第{{item.nLessonNo}}讲</view> </view> <!-- 无课程 --> <view class="detailItem detailItem1 flex" wx:if="{{!classContent.length}}"> <view class="dot dot1">●</view> <view class="content"> <view>今日无课程</view> </view> <view class="kejie">--</view> </view> </view> </view> </swiper-item> <!-- 校历 --> <swiper-item> <view class="tabBodyItem" style="height:{{heigh-34-55}}px;overflow-y: scroll;"> <view><image src="{{picSrc}}" bindtap="previewImage" mode='widthFix' style="width:100%;" ></image></view> </view> </swiper-item> </swiper> </view> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 年月浮窗 --> <view class="float" wx:if="{{show}}" data-id="float" bindtap="closeFloat"> <view class="floatWrap flex"> <div class="year"> <view style="padding-top:0 ;"><image src="../images/nianyue.png"></image></view> <block wx:for="{{yearArr}}"> <view style="color:{{current1 == item?'#1FBB1C':'#888'}}" bindtap="changeBgColor1" data-cur="{{item}}">{{item}}</view> </block> </div> <div class="month flex"> <block wx:for="{{monthArr}}"> <view style="margin-top:0 ; background:{{current == index?'#1FBB1C':'#fff'}};color:{{current == index?'#fff':'#888'}}" bindtap="changeBgColor" data-cur="{{item}}">{{item}}</view> </block> </div> </view> </view> <!-- 弹窗 --> <!-- <view class="float" wx:if="{{show}}" data-id="float" bindtap="closeFloat"> <view class="floatWrap"> <view class="arrows arrowT"><image class="arrowT" src="../images/arrow-t.png"></image></view> <view class="floatC"> <view class="floatC-item" wx:for="{{arr}}" data-id="{{item.id}}" wx:key="id" bindtap="getIndex">{{item.value}}</view> </view> <view class="arrows arrowB"><image class="arrowB" src="../images/arrow-b.png"></image></view> </view> </view> --> <!-- 导航 --> <view class="zoom" wx:if="{{zoomShow}}"></view> <view animation="{{animationData}}" class="mainMenu drawer_attr_box" wx:if="{{showModalStatus}}" bindtap="closeNav" data-id="closeNav"> <view class="menu" data-id="menu"> <view class="userinfo flex"> <view class="Avatar"> <image src="../images/noface.png" mode='widthFix'></image> </view> <view class="name">{{teacherName}}</view> </view> <view class="con"><navigator open-type="reLaunch" url='/pages/entranceDoor/entranceDoor'>录入进考门</navigator></view> <view class="con"><navigator open-type="reLaunch" url='/pages/scorePic/scorePic'>生成成绩单</navigator></view> <view class="con"><navigator open-type="reLaunch" url='/pages/taskCard/taskCard'>生成任务卡</navigator></view> <view class="con"><navigator open-type="reLaunch" url='/pages/cardIndex/cardIndex'>转发群打卡</navigator></view> <view class="quit tac"><button class="btn" bindtap="unlogin" hover-class="hoverLogin">退出登录</button></view> </view> </view> <!-- 导航tab --> <view class="tabBar flex"> <view class="tabItem" bindtap="changeColor" wx:for="{{tabBarArr}}" data-id="{{index}}" wx:key="id"> <view class="icon"><image class="icon1" mode="aspectFit" src="{{item.iconSrc}}"></image></view> <view class="txt" style="color:{{item.changeTextColor}}">{{item.txt}}</view> </view> </view> </view>
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var classList = require('../../utils/classList.js'); var md51 = require('../../utils/md51.js'); var requests = require('../../utils/requests.js'); var publicJs = require('../../utils/public.js'); //获取应用实例 var app = getApp(); Page({ data: { tabBarArr:[ {id:0,txt:'录入',iconSrc:'../images/write.gif',changeTextColor:'#525252',isChange: false}, {id:1,txt:'查询',iconSrc:'../images/search1.gif',changeTextColor:'#1FBB1C',isChange: true}, {id:2,txt:'工具',iconSrc:'../images/setting.gif',changeTextColor:'#525252',isChange: false}, ], teacherName:'张云', showModalStatus: false, //控制导航显示 isopen:'open', //控制菜单显示 teacherName: '', //教师名称 teacherToken:'', //教师token showArrow:true, //显示当前tab的箭头 noticeType: 3, // 默认获取任务, -1是智库 taskArr:[], //任务数组 thinkArr:[], //智库数组 asideFlag:'left', //判断当前是左侧还是右侧 // 日期参数 weekArr:[ '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六','日'], monthArr:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], yearArr:[2016,2017,2018], hasEmptyGrid: false, showPicker: false, dateInfos:[], activeIndex: 0 }, onLoad: function(){ var that = this; this.setData({ teacherName: wx.getStorageSync('teacherName'), teacherToken: wx.getStorageSync('teacherToken') }) // 获取设备高度 wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function(res) { that.setData({ windowHeight: res.windowHeight, windowWidth: res.windowWidth, heigh: res.windowHeight - 55 }) } }); var date = new Date(); //当前日期 var cur_day = date.getDate(); //当前日 var cur_year = date.getFullYear(); //当前年份 var cur_month = date.getMonth() 1; //当前月份 this.setData({ date:cur_year '-' cur_month '-' cur_day, current:date.getMonth(), current1:date.getFullYear() }); this.calculateEmptyGrids(cur_year, cur_month); this.calculateDays(cur_year, cur_month); this.setData({ cur_year, cur_month, cur_day, nowYear:date.getFullYear(), nowMonth:date.getMonth() 1, date:cur_year '-' cur_month '-' cur_day }); this.getPic(); }, // 退出登录 unlogin: function(){ publicJs.unlogin() }, // 关闭弹窗 closeFloat: function(e){ publicJs.closeFloat(e,this) }, // 菜单按钮 powerDrawer: function (e) { publicJs.powerDrawer(e,this) }, // 关闭导航 closeNav: function(e){ publicJs.closeNav(e,this) }, // 点击改变tabBar颜色 changeColor: function(e){ publicJs.changeColor(e,this) }, // 点击改变tab tabClick:function(e){ var that = this; var idIndex = e.currentTarget.id; if(idIndex==0){ this.setData({ showArrow:true, }); }else{ this.setData({ showArrow:false, }); } this.setData({ activeIndex:idIndex, }); }, swiperChange:function(e){ var current = e.detail.current; if(current == 0){ this.setData({ showArrow:true, }); }else{ this.setData({ showArrow:false, }); } this.setData({ activeIndex:current, // slideOffset:offsetW }); }, // 获取信息 getDateInfos: function(callback){ var that = this; // 时间戳 var stamp = new Date().getTime(); // 学年 var year = this.data.schoolYear; // 学期 var nSemester = this.data.nSemester; // 教师token var token = this.data.teacherToken; // 获取信息的类型 var date = this.data.date; var query1 = 'appid=web&date=' date '×tamp=' stamp '&token=' token; var query2 = { appid: 'web', timestamp:stamp, token:token, date:date, } var signS = publicJs.sortQuery(query2) var sign = md51.md5(signS 'test'); var query = query1 '&sign=' sign; wx.showLoading({ title:'努力加载中...', success: function(){ requests.requestGet('/api/Calendar/MonthCourse?' query,function(res){ console.log(res) if(res.data.ResultType == 0){ var result = res.data.AppendData; that.setData({dateInfos:result}) callback(); }else if(res.data.ResultType == 7){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '请重新登陆', showCancel: false, success:function(){ wx.clearStorageSync(); wx.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/index/index'}) } }) } setTimeout(function(){ wx.hideLoading() },500) }) } }) }, // 获取校历 getPic:function(){ var that = this; // 时间戳 var stamp = new Date().getTime(); // 学年 var year = this.data.schoolYear; // 学期 var nSemester = this.data.nSemester; // 教师token var token = this.data.teacherToken; // 获取信息的类型 var date = this.data.date; var query1 = 'appid=web×tamp=' stamp '&token=' token; var query2 = { appid: 'web', timestamp:stamp, token:token, } var signS = publicJs.sortQuery(query2) var sign = md51.md5(signS 'test'); var query = query1 '&sign=' sign; wx.showLoading({ title:'努力加载中...', success: function(){ requests.requestGet('/api/Calendar/GetSchoolCalendar?' query,function(res){ console.log(res) if(res.data.ResultType == 0){ that.setData({ picSrc:res.data.AppendData }) }else if(res.data.ResultType == 7){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '请重新登陆', showCancel: false, success:function(){ wx.clearStorageSync(); wx.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/index/index'}) } }) } setTimeout(function(){ wx.hideLoading() },500) }) } }) }, previewImage: function(){ var that = this; wx.previewImage({ current: that.data.picSrc, // 当前显示图片的http链接 urls: [that.data.picSrc], // 需要预览的图片http链接列表 }) }, // 点击改变tab changeTab:function(e){ animation(this,e, -this.data.windowWidth,0); function animation(obj,e ,x1,x2) { var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 300, timingFunction: "linear", delay: 0 }); obj.animation = animation; if(e.target.dataset.index == '2'){ animation.translateX(x1).step(); obj.setData({ showArrow: false, asideFlag:'right', }) }else{ animation.translateX(x2).step(); obj.setData({ showArrow: true, asideFlag:'left' }) } obj.setData({ animationData1: animation.export() }) } }, // 显示年月浮层 showFloat: function(){ this.setData({show: true,}) }, // 改变月的背景色并关闭浮层 changeBgColor: function(e){ // 恢复初始样式 for(var i = 0 ; i < this.data.days.length; i ){ this.data.days[i].classInfo = [] } this.setData({days:this.data.days}) var cur = e.target.dataset.cur this.setData({ current: cur, show:false, cur_year:this.data.nowYear, nowYear:new Date().getFullYear(), nowMonth:new Date().getMonth() 1, current1:new Date().getFullYear(), cur_month:cur, }) this.setData({ date:this.data.cur_year '-' (this.data.cur_month) '-' 1 }) if(this.data.cur_year== this.data.nowYear && this.data.current == this.data.nowMonth){ this.setData({cur_day:new Date().getDate()}) }else{ this.setData({cur_day:1}) } this.calculateEmptyGrids(this.data.cur_year, cur); this.calculateDays(this.data.cur_year, cur); }, // 改变年的背景色 changeBgColor1: function(e){ var cur = e.target.dataset.cur this.setData({ current1: cur, nowYear:cur, }) }, // 点击今天回到当日 tapToday:function(){ var date = new Date(); //当前日期 var cur_day = date.getDate(); //当前日 var cur_year = date.getFullYear(); //当前年份 var cur_month = date.getMonth() 1; //当前月份 this.setData({ date:cur_year '-' cur_month '-' 1 }) this.calculateEmptyGrids(cur_year, cur_month); this.calculateDays(cur_year, cur_month); this.setData({ cur_year: cur_year, cur_month: cur_month, cur_day: cur_day }) }, // 处理获取的天的展示 //获取指定年的月份有多少天 getThisMonthDays:function(year, month) { return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); }, 获取当前月中第一天是星期几 getFirstDayOfWeek:function(year, month) { return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month-1, 0)).getDay(); }, // 获取当月第一天之前的数组 calculateEmptyGrids:function(year, month) { const firstDayOfWeek = this.getFirstDayOfWeek(year, month); let empytGrids = []; if (firstDayOfWeek > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < firstDayOfWeek; i ) { empytGrids.push(i); } this.setData({ hasEmptyGrid: true, empytGrids }); } else { this.setData({ hasEmptyGrid: false, empytGrids: [] }); } }, // 获取指定月的天数的数组 calculateDays:function(year, month) { var that = this; var days = []; var thisMonthDays = this.getThisMonthDays(year, month); this.getDateInfos(function(){ for (var i = 0; i < that.data.dateInfos.length; i ) { days.push({ day: i 1, choosed: false, classInfo: that.data.dateInfos[i].CalendarList }); } that.setData({ days:days }); }); }, //点击两侧箭头的事件 handleCalendar:function(e) { for(var i = 0 ; i < this.data.days.length; i ){ this.data.days[i].classInfo = [] } this.setData({days:this.data.days}) var handle = e.currentTarget.dataset.handle; var cur_year = this.data.cur_year; var cur_month = this.data.cur_month; var nowYear = new Date().getFullYear(); var nowMonth = new Date().getMonth() 1; var nowDay = new Date().getDate(); if (handle === 'prev') { var newMonth = cur_month - 1; var newYear = cur_year; if (newMonth < 1) { newYear = cur_year - 1; newMonth = 12; } } else { var newMonth = cur_month 1; var newYear = cur_year; if (newMonth > 12) { newYear = cur_year 1; newMonth = 1; } } this.setData({ date:newYear '-' newMonth '-' 1 }) console.log(this.data.days) this.calculateEmptyGrids(newYear, newMonth); this.calculateDays(newYear, newMonth); this.setData({ cur_year: newYear, cur_month: newMonth, }); if(newYear==nowYear && newMonth == nowMonth){ this.setData({cur_day:nowDay}) }else{ this.setData({cur_day:1}) } }, // 选择每天的日期改变状态 tapDayItem:function(e) { var idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; var days = this.data.days; for(var i = 0 ; i < days.length; i ){ days[i].choosed = false; } days[ idx ].choosed = !days[ idx ].choosed; this.setData({ days, }); // 显示课程 this.setData({classContent:days[idx].classInfo}) }, })