<?PHP $train[0] = "Canada"; $train[1] = "Sahara Desert"; $train[2] = "Russia"; $train[3] = "Chernobyl"; $train[4] = "United States"; $train[5] = "north Korea"; $train[6] = "Germany"; $train[7] = "Hawaii"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> Took out everything here,it's not important. </head> <body> <center> <h1>Vacation Time!</h1> <h4>You and your family just won the lottery! You all want to go on vacation,but nobody can agree where to go. Inside each train cart has a card with a location written on it. Whatever you find is where you're going! </h4> <form name="form1" action="activity-2-7-arrays-a.PHP" method="post"> <label>Which cart on the train do you want to choose?</label> <br> <select name="cart" required> <option value="1">First Cart</option> <option value="2">Second Cart</option> <option value="3">Third Cart</option> <option value="4">Fourth Cart</option> <option value="5">Fifth Cart</option> <option value="6">Sixth Cart</option> <option value="7">Seventh Cart</option> <option value="8">Eight Cart</option> <option value="show">Show all options</option> <option value="any">Choose Randomly</option> <br> </select><br/> <input type="submit" name="subButton" class="subButton" value="Go!"/><br/> </form> <h1><u>Final Results</u></h1> <?PHP if($_POST['subButton']) { $cart = $_POST['cart']; $roll = rand(1,9); if($cart == show) { for($x = 1; $x <= 9; $x++) { echo "<p> You Could have ender up in... </p>"; echo "<h2> " . $train[$x] . "</h2>"; } return; } echo "<h2>"."Well,it looks like you're going to " . $train[$cart] . "! Have fun! </h2>"; } return; if ($cart == $roll) { } echo "<h2>"."Can't handle the pressure? You were selected to go to " . $train[$roll] . "! Have fun! </h2>"; ?>
我也确定它有点乱.希望你明白我的意思.如果你能够向我解释这个非常有用的答案.谢谢 :)
<?PHP if($_POST['subButton']) { $cart = $_POST['cart']; $roll = rand(1,9);
在检查用户是否选择“随机选择”以及为什么生成1到9之间的随机值之前,您正在生成随机值? $train数组以索引0开头,以索引7结束.
if($cart == show) {
for($x = 1; $x <= 9; $x++) {
echo "<p> You Could have ender up in... </p>"; echo "<h2> " . $train[$x] . "</h2>";
} return; } echo "<h2>"."Well,it looks like you're going to " . $train[$cart] . "! Have fun! </h2>"; } return;
因此,如果用户没有选择“显示所有选项”,则会向他显示他所选择的位置.如果用户选择“随机选择”,这将失败,因为$cart将具有值’any’且$train [‘any’]不存在.
<?PHP if($_POST['subButton']) { $cart = $_POST['cart']; if ($cart == 'any') {// Check if user selected 'Choose Randomly' $roll = rand(0,7); echo "<h2>"."Can't handle the pressure? You were selected to go to " . $train[$roll] . "! Have fun! </h2>"; } else { if ($cart == 'show') { // If user selected 'Show all options' echo "<p> You Could have ender up in... </p>"; for($x = 0; $x <= 7; $x++) { echo "<h2> " . $train[$x] . "</h2>"; } } else { // User selected cart so show him chosen location echo "<h2>"."Well,it looks like you're going to " . $train[$cart] . "! Have fun! </h2>"; } } } ?>