> / var / lib / denyhosts / hosts
> / var / lib / denyhosts / hosts-restricted
> / var / lib / denyhosts / hosts-root
> / var / lib / denyhosts / hosts-valid
> / var / lib / denyhosts / users-hosts
> /etc/hosts.deny
这是我创建的Python脚本,用于执行相同的操作 – 用法是sudo ./unban.py ip-goes-here
#!/usr/bin/python import re import sys import subprocess from subprocess import call import tempfile import logging import os import datetime import re #http://daniweb.com/code/snippet216475.html #http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/tempfile/ #http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread73705.html #http://pbe.lightbird.net/tempfile-module.html #http://www.palewire.com/posts/2008/04/07/python-recipe-open-multiple-files-search-for-matches count-your-hits-on-the-fly/ #http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html #http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#module-subprocess #http://docs.python.org/tutorial/errors.html#handling-exceptions #You actually need to stop denyhosts and remove the offending entry from 5 other files. '/var/lib/denyhosts/hosts','/var/lib/denyhosts/hosts-restricted','/var/lib/denyhosts/hosts-root','/var/lib/denyhosts/hosts-valid','/var/lib/denyhosts/users-hosts','/etc/hosts.deny' #Here is a link to a ruby script to do so,http://robotplaysguitar.com/2009/10/30/remove-an-ip-banned-by-denyhosts/ #Or here is a Python script I created to do the same thing -- usage is sudo python ./unban.py ip-goes-here def returnTime(): dt = datetime.datetime.Now() str(dt) return dt.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%s") ######################################### # Uncomment these below for debugging # ######################################### #print sys.argv[1] #print len(sys.argv) ######################################### # Change these values for logging # ######################################### LOG_FILENAME = './unban.log' logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME,level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("---------------" + returnTime() + "----------------------") # initialize debugging denyhosts=("/etc/init.d/denyhosts") start="start" stop="stop" denyhosts_files=['/var/lib/denyhosts/hosts','/var/lib/denyhosts/users-invalid','/etc/hosts.deny'] if len(sys.argv) <> 2: print "Wrong number of args" print "Usage: sudo python ./unban.py ip" else: if subprocess.call([denyhosts,stop]) == 0: logging.debug("/etc/init.d/denyhosts stopped at:\t" + returnTime()) print "/etc/init.d/denyhosts stopped" else: print "error stopping denyhosts..." logging.debug("Error stopping /etc/init.d/denyhosts\t" + returnTime()) sys.exit("bork =(") ip = sys.argv[1] for f in denyhosts_files: tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) print "Temp Filename is:" + tf.name + " Real file name is: " + f try: text = open(f,"r") data_list = text.readlines() logging.debug("File: "+ f + " is being worked on.\t"+returnTime()) except IOError as (errno,strerror): print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno,strerror) for line in data_list: if re.search(ip,line): print line # just do nothing here -- because we are writing all the good IP's to a file! genius! logging.debug("Deleting ip: " + ip + " because we found a match.\t" + returnTime()) else: tf.write(line) #### # Close the temporary file #### try: text.close() tf.close() logging.debug('This is where the text file: ' + tf.name + ' is closed.\t' + returnTime() ) except OSError: print "OS error({0}): {1}".format(errno,strerror) except: print "Unexpected error:",sys.exc_info()[0] try: os.rename(f,f+"_tmp") except OSError: print "OS error({0}): {1}".format(errno,sys.exc_info()[0] try: os.chmod(f+"_tmp",0644) # this makes the temp file 644 except OSError: print "OS error({0}): {1}".format(errno,sys.exc_info()[0] try: os.rename(tf.name,f) except OSError: print "OS error({0}): {1}".format(errno,sys.exc_info()[0] try: os.chmod(f,0644) # this make the newly edited file 0644 logging.debug("File: "+ f + " has been renamed. - " + returnTime()) except OSError: print "OS error({0}): {1}".format(errno,sys.exc_info()[0] ### # Clean up and restart denyhosts ### if subprocess.call([denyhosts,start]) == 0: print "/etc/init.d/denyhosts Started" logging.debug("/etc/init.d/denyhosts succesfully restarted!\t" + returnTime()) else: print "There was an error starting /etc/init.d/denyhosts...\t" logging.debug("/etc/init.d/denyhosts did not restart successfully \t" + returnTime())