我的问题在于表单,服务等的创建.在ASP.NET MVC中,有一种“激活器”可以做到这一点,但在Windows窗体中并非如此.我必须创建一个像var form = new fclsMain();的新表单,所以一个像…
class fclsMain : System.Windows.Forms.Form { private readonly ISomeRepository<SomeClass> someRepository; fclsMain(ISomeRepository<SomeClass> someRepository) { this.someRepository = someRepository; } }
var form = new fclsMain(IoC.Resolve< ISomeRepository< SomeClass>);
那么我如何使用Castle.Windsor和Windows Forms?有没有办法设计Form Activator或其他东西?我真的输了,如果我不能制作一个我可以解决的静态IoC容器,我该怎么办?
public static class CastleContainer { private static IWindsorContainer container; public static IWindsorContainer Instance { get { if (container == null) { container = new WindsorContainer(); } return container; } // exposing a setter alleviates some common component testing problems set { container = value; } } // shortcut to make your life easier :) public static T Resolve<T>() { return Instance.Resolve<T>(); } public static void dispose() { if (container != null) container.dispose(); container = null; } }
Castle实际上在quick-start guide中使用了Windows Forms应用程序.
我上面展示的模式是服务定位器的变体,有些人称之为反模式.它的声誉很差,因为除了其他原因之外,它还引用了Windsor的代码库.理想情况下,您应该只调用一次container.Resolve< ...>()来创建根表单.所有其他服务&形式通过构造函数注入.
实际上,您可能需要再调用一些Resolve,特别是如果您不想在启动时加载应用程序的每个角落.在Web世界中,最佳实践是将容器交给Web框架.在Windows窗体世界中,您需要实现自己的服务定位器,如上所述. (是的,将容器交给ASP.NET MVC框架仍然是服务定位器模式).
public static class TestUtilities { public static IContainer CreateContainer(Action<IContainer> extraConfig = null) { var container = new WindsorContainer(); // 1. Setup common mocks to override prod configuration // 2. Setup specific mocks,when provided if (extraConfig != null) extraConfig(container); // 3. Configure container with production installers CastleContainer.Instance = container; return container; } }
[Test] public void SubComponentWorksGreat() { using (var container = TestUtilities.CreateContainer()) { var subComponent = container.Resolve<SubComponent>(); // test it... } } [Test] public void SubComponentWorksGreatWithMocks() { var repoMock = new Mock<IRepository>(); using (var container = TestUtilities.CreateContainer(c => c.Register(Component.For<IRepository>().Instance(repoMock.Object)))) { var subComponent = container.Resolve<SubComponent>(); // test it with all IRepository instances mocked... } }