#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Win32::Unicode::File; use Encode; use Tk; my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new; my $tissue_but = $mw->Button( -text => 'Open file',-command => [ \&select_unicode_file ],); $tissue_but->grid( -row => 3,-column => 1 ); Tk::MainLoop(); sub select_unicode_file{ my $types = [ ['Txt','.txt'],['All Files','*'],]; my $input_file= $mw->getopenFile(-filetypes => $types); my $fh = Win32::Unicode::File->new; if ($fh->open('<',$input_file)){ while (my $line = $fh->readline()){ print "\n$line\n"; } close $fh; } else{ print "Couldn't open file: $!\n"; } }
我不能做的只是获取目录路径而不是处理它.我想我应该使用Win32 :: Unicode :: Dir,但我真的无法理解文档.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Win32::Unicode::Dir; use Encode; use Tk; my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new; my $tissue_but = $mw->Button( -text => 'Open file',-command => [ \&select_unicode_directory ],-column => 1 ); Tk::MainLoop(); sub select_unicode_directory{ my $dir = $mw->chooseDirectory( ); my $wdir = Win32::Unicode::Dir->new; my $dir = $wdir->open($dir) || die $wdir->error; my $dir_complete = "$dir/a.txt"; open (MYFILE,$dir_complete ); while (<MYFILE>) { chomp; print "$_\n"; } close (MYFILE); }
my $dir = $wdir->open($dir) || die $wdir->error; my $dir_complete = "$dir/a.txt";
$wdir-> open(‘path’)返回一个对象,而不是一个字符串.你不能像路径一样使用它.但这不是最糟糕的.遗憾的是,似乎Tk实现还没有支持Unicode文件名(包括chooseDirectory).我想你将不得不写一个自定义目录选择器,但我不确定它是否可能.
这能够在ascii-chars文件夹中列出文件(和 – > fetch可以列出utf-8文件),并在打开带有utf-8字符的文件夹时崩溃.嗯,公平地说,当打开??????时崩溃.
use strict; use warnings; use Win32::Unicode::Dir; use Win32::Unicode::Console; use Encode; use Tk; my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new; my $tissue_but = $mw->Button( -text => 'Select dir',-column => 1 ); Tk::MainLoop(); sub select_unicode_directory { my $wdir = Win32::Unicode::Dir->new; my $selected = $mw->chooseDirectory(-parent =>$mw); # http://search.cpan.org/dist/Tk/pod/chooseDirectory.pod#CAVEATS $selected = encode("utf-8",$selected); print "selected: $selected\n"; $wdir->open($selected) || die $wdir->error; print "\$mw->chooseDirectory: $selected\n"; print "\$wdir->open(\$selected): $wdir\n"; # CRASH HERE,presumably because winders can't handle '?' in a file (dir) name for ($wdir->fetch) { # http://search.cpan.org/~xaicron/Win32-Unicode-0.38/lib/Win32/Unicode/Dir.pm next if /^\.{1,2}$/; my $path = "$selected/$_"; if (file_type('f',$path)) { print "file: $path\n"; } elsif (file_type('d',$path)) { print " dir: $path\n"; } } print "closing \n"; $wdir->close || die $wdir->error; }
下面的两个样本都使用:为MSWin32-x64多线程构建的StrawBerry Perl 5.12.3
selected: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/????? $mw->chooseDirectory: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/????? $wdir->open($selected): Win32::Unicode::Dir=HASH(0x2e38158) >>> perl crash <<<
selected: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk $mw->chooseDirectory: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk $wdir->open($selected): Win32::Unicode::Dir=HASH(0x2b92c10) file: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/.select_uni_dir.pl.swp file: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/o file: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/o.dir file: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/select_uni_dir.pl file: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/select_uni_file.pl dir: C:/cygwin/home/jaroslav/tmp/so/perl/open-file-tk/Поиск
(…) Unfortunately,there are still places in Perl ignorant of
Unicode. One of these places are filenames. Consequently,the file selectors
in Perl/Tk do not handle encoding of filenames properly. Currently they
suppose that filenames are in iso-8859-1 encoding,at least on Unix systems.
As soon as Perl has a concept of filename encodings,then Perl/Tk will also
implement such schemes.