Windows 8(也称为
Windows RT)是否具有相当于Win32 API的?
(我不是说如果它可以运行Win32 x86代码,但如果它有Win32 API可用于第三方开发人员.)
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools. Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 10.00.40219.01 copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file arm_msvcr110d_win8.pe File Type: DLL Section contains the following imports: KERNEL32.dll 100E4000 Import Address Table 1012DA80 Import Name Table 0 time date stamp 0 Index of first forwarder reference 108 DecodePointer 12E EncodePointer 498 RtlPcToFileHeader 425 RaiseException 269 GetmodulefileNameA 26A GetmodulefileNameW 1AA FreeEnvironmentStringsW 26D GetModuleHandleExW 2A1 GetProcAddress 160 ExitProcess 3C7 MultiBytetoWideChar 258 GetLastError 26E GetModuleHandleW 2C4 GetStdHandle 5C1 WriteFile 1D3 GetCommandLineA 1D4 GetCommandLineW 19D FlsGetValue 19E FlsSetValue 21A GetCurrentThreadId [...] 4B1 SetConsoleCtrlHandler 361 IsDebuggerPresent 2F7 GetTickCount64 3F0 OutputDebugStringA 38C LCMapStringA 232 GetEnvironmentvariableA 233 GetEnvironmentvariableW 36E IsValidLocaleName 38D LCMapStringEx 339 HeapReAlloc 33B HeapSize 338 HeapQueryinformation