如果我们在两者中都提供相同的种子,我需要一个在iOS和 Android中产生相同数字序列的随机数生成器.

然后我尝试了mersenne twister.但这也为同一种子提供了不同的序列.




我已经改编了一个在线CRandomMersenne库,我真的很抱歉,我再也找不到那个来源了.但这是我的Mersenne Twister实施:
// Define 32 bit signed and unsigned integers.
// Change these deFinitions,if necessary,to match a particular platform
#if defined(_WIN16) || defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(_MSDOS) 
   // 16 bit systems use long int for 32 bit integer
   typedef long int           int32;   // 32 bit signed integer
   typedef unsigned long int  uint32;  // 32 bit unsigned integer
   // Most other systems use int for 32 bit integer
   typedef int                int32;   // 32 bit signed integer
   typedef unsigned int       uint32;  // 32 bit unsigned integer

// Define 64 bit signed and unsigned integers,if possible
#if (defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(_WIN32)) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER))
   // Microsoft and other compilers under Windows use __int64
   typedef __int64            int64;   // 64 bit signed integer
   typedef unsigned __int64   uint64;  // 64 bit unsigned integer
   #define INT64_DEFINED               // Remember that int64 is defined
#elif defined(__unix__) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))
   // Gnu and other compilers under Linux etc. use long long
   typedef long long          int64;   // 64 bit signed integer
   typedef unsigned long long uint64;  // 64 bit unsigned integer
   #define INT64_DEFINED               // Remember that int64 is defined
   // 64 bit integers not defined
   // You may include deFinitions for other platforms here

void EndOfProgram(void);               // System-specific exit code (userintf.cpp)

void FatalError(char * ErrorText);     // System-specific error reporting (userintf.cpp)

class CRandomMersenne {                // Encapsulate random number generator
#if 0
   // Define constants for type MT11213A:
#define MERS_N   351
#define MERS_M   175
#define MERS_R   19
#define MERS_U   11
#define MERS_S   7
#define MERS_T   15
#define MERS_L   17
#define MERS_A   0xE4BD75F5
#define MERS_B   0x655E5280
#define MERS_C   0xFFD58000
   // or constants for type MT19937:
#define MERS_N   624
#define MERS_M   397
#define MERS_R   31
#define MERS_U   11
#define MERS_S   7
#define MERS_T   15
#define MERS_L   18
#define MERS_A   0x9908B0DF
#define MERS_B   0x9D2C5680
#define MERS_C   0xEFC60000
   CRandomMersenne(uint32 seed) {      // Constructor
      RandomInit(seed); LastInterval = 0;}
   void RandomInit(uint32 seed);       // Re-seed
   void RandomInitByArray(uint32 seeds[],int length); // Seed by more than 32 bits
   int IRandom (int min,int max);     // Output random integer
   int IRandomX(int min,int max);     // Output random integer,exact
   double Random();                    // Output random float
   uint32 BRandom();                   // Output random bits
   void Init0(uint32 seed);            // Basic initialization procedure
   uint32 mt[MERS_N];                  // State vector
   int mti;                            // Index into mt
   uint32 LastInterval;                // Last interval length for IRandomX
   uint32 RLimit;                      // Rejection limit used by IRandomX
   enum TArch {LITTLE_ENDIAN1,BIG_ENDIAN1,NONIEEE}; // DeFinition of architecture
   TArch Architecture;                 // Conversion to float depends on architecture

class CRandomMother {             // Encapsulate random number generator
   void RandomInit(uint32 seed);       // Initialization
   int IRandom(int min,int max);      // Get integer random number in desired interval
   double Random();                    // Get floating point random number
   uint32 BRandom();                   // Output random bits
   CRandomMother(uint32 seed) {   // Constructor
   uint32 x[5];                        // History buffer


void CRandomMersenne::Init0(uint32 seed) {
   // Detect computer architecture
   union {double f; uint32 i[2];} convert;
   convert.f = 1.0;
   if (convert.i[1] == 0x3FF00000) Architecture = LITTLE_ENDIAN1;
   else if (convert.i[0] == 0x3FF00000) Architecture = BIG_ENDIAN1;
   else Architecture = NONIEEE;

   // Seed generator
   mt[0]= seed;
   for (mti=1; mti < MERS_N; mti++) {
      mt[mti] = (1812433253UL * (mt[mti-1] ^ (mt[mti-1] >> 30)) + mti);

void CRandomMersenne::RandomInit(uint32 seed) {
   // Initialize and seed

   // Randomize some more
   for (int i = 0; i < 37; i++) BRandom();

void CRandomMersenne::RandomInitByArray(uint32 seeds[],int length) {
   // Seed by more than 32 bits
   int i,j,k;

   // Initialize

   if (length <= 0) return;

   // Randomize mt[] using whole seeds[] array
   i = 1;  j = 0;
   k = (MERS_N > length ? MERS_N : length);
   for (; k; k--) {
      mt[i] = (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >> 30)) * 1664525UL)) + seeds[j] + j;
      i++; j++;
      if (i >= MERS_N) {mt[0] = mt[MERS_N-1]; i=1;}
      if (j >= length) j=0;}
   for (k = MERS_N-1; k; k--) {
      mt[i] = (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >> 30)) * 1566083941UL)) - i;
      if (++i >= MERS_N) {mt[0] = mt[MERS_N-1]; i=1;}}
   mt[0] = 0x80000000UL;  // MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array

   // Randomize some more
   mti = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i <= MERS_N; i++) BRandom();

uint32 CRandomMersenne::BRandom() {
   // Generate 32 random bits
   uint32 y;

   if (mti >= MERS_N) {
      // Generate MERS_N words at one time
      const uint32 LOWER_MASK = (1LU << MERS_R) - 1;       // Lower MERS_R bits
      const uint32 UPPER_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF << MERS_R;      // Upper (32 - MERS_R) bits
      static const uint32 mag01[2] = {0,MERS_A};

      int kk;
      for (kk=0; kk < MERS_N-MERS_M; kk++) {    
         y = (mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[kk+1] & LOWER_MASK);
         mt[kk] = mt[kk+MERS_M] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 1];}

      for (; kk < MERS_N-1; kk++) {    
         y = (mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[kk+1] & LOWER_MASK);
         mt[kk] = mt[kk+(MERS_M-MERS_N)] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 1];}      

      y = (mt[MERS_N-1] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[0] & LOWER_MASK);
      mt[MERS_N-1] = mt[MERS_M-1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 1];
      mti = 0;

   y = mt[mti++];

#if 1
   // Tempering (May be omitted):
   y ^=  y >> MERS_U;
   y ^= (y << MERS_S) & MERS_B;
   y ^= (y << MERS_T) & MERS_C;
   y ^=  y >> MERS_L;

   return y;

double CRandomMersenne::Random() {
   // Output random float number in the interval 0 <= x < 1
   union {double f; uint32 i[2];} convert;
   uint32 r = BRandom();               // Get 32 random bits
   // The fastest way to convert random bits to floating point is as follows:
   // Set the binary exponent of a floating point number to 1+bias and set
   // the mantissa to random bits. This will give a random number in the 
   // interval [1,2). Then subtract 1.0 to get a random number in the interval
   // [0,1). This procedure requires that we kNow how floating point numbers
   // are stored. The storing method is tested in function RandomInit and saved 
   // in the variable Architecture.

   // This shortcut allows the compiler to optimize away the following switch
   // statement for the most common architectures:
#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
   Architecture = LITTLE_ENDIAN1;
#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
   Architecture = BIG_ENDIAN1;

   switch (Architecture) {
      convert.i[0] =  r << 20;
      convert.i[1] = (r >> 12) | 0x3FF00000;
      return convert.f - 1.0;
   case BIG_ENDIAN1:
      convert.i[1] =  r << 20;
      convert.i[0] = (r >> 12) | 0x3FF00000;
      return convert.f - 1.0;
   case NONIEEE: default: ;
   // This somewhat slower method works for all architectures,including 
   // non-IEEE floating point representation:
   return (double)r * (1./((double)(uint32)(-1L)+1.));

int CRandomMersenne::IRandom(int min,int max) {
   // Output random integer in the interval min <= x <= max
   // Relative error on frequencies < 2^-32
   if (max <= min) {
      if (max == min) return min; else return 0x80000000;
   // Multiply interval with random and truncate
   int r = int((max - min + 1) * Random()) + min; 
   if (r > max) r = max;
   return r;

int CRandomMersenne::IRandomX(int min,int max) {
   // Output random integer in the interval min <= x <= max
   // Each output value has exactly the same probability.
   // This is obtained by rejecting certain bit values so that the number
   // of possible bit values is divisible by the interval length
   if (max <= min) {
      if (max == min) return min; else return 0x80000000;
#ifdef  INT64_DEFINED
   // 64 bit integers available. Use multiply and shift method
   uint32 interval;                    // Length of interval
   uint64 longran;                     // Random bits * interval
   uint32 iran;                        // Longran / 2^32
   uint32 remainder;                   // Longran % 2^32

   interval = uint32(max - min + 1);
   if (interval != LastInterval) {
      // Interval length has changed. Must calculate rejection limit
      // Reject when remainder = 2^32 / interval * interval
      // RLimit will be 0 if interval is a power of 2. No rejection then
      RLimit = uint32(((uint64)1 << 32) / interval) * interval - 1;
      LastInterval = interval;
   do { // Rejection loop
      longran  = (uint64)BRandom() * interval;
      iran = (uint32)(longran >> 32);
      remainder = (uint32)longran;
   } while (remainder > RLimit);
   // Convert back to signed and return result
   return (int32)iran + min;

   // 64 bit integers not available. Use modulo method
   uint32 interval;                    // Length of interval
   uint32 bran;                        // Random bits
   uint32 iran;                        // bran / interval
   uint32 remainder;                   // bran % interval

   interval = uint32(max - min + 1);
   if (interval != LastInterval) {
      // Interval length has changed. Must calculate rejection limit
      // Reject when iran = 2^32 / interval
      // We can't make 2^32 so we use 2^32-1 and correct afterwards
      RLimit = (uint32)0xFFFFFFFF / interval;
      if ((uint32)0xFFFFFFFF % interval == interval - 1) RLimit++;
   do { // Rejection loop
      bran = BRandom();
      iran = bran / interval;
      remainder = bran % interval;
   } while (iran >= RLimit);
   // Convert back to signed and return result
   return (int32)remainder + min;



CRandomMersenne generator(<some_seed>);
generator.random(); // random value [0,1]
generator.IRandom(a,b); // random value [a,b]



编辑:上面代码的作者是Agner Fog,在他的网站上有一个完整的section随机数生成器.代码的所有功劳归于他.


  1. ios – 不使用桥接头访问私有UIKit功能


  2. iOS和Android的常用随机数生成器


  3. Swift - Swift生成随机数


  4. Swift 中随机数的使用


  5. Swift随机数产生


  6. Swift - 使用arc4random()、arc4random_uniform()取得随机数


  7. Swift根据日期字符串返回日期是星期几


  8. 如何在苹果的Swift语言中生成一个随机数?


  9. 用Swift生成随机数


  10. HealthKit Swift workout



  1. iOS实现拖拽View跟随手指浮动效果


  2. iOS – genstrings:无法连接到输出目录en.lproj


  3. iOS 7 UIButtonBarItem图像没有色调


  4. ios – 在自定义相机层的AVFoundation中自动对焦和自动曝光


  5. ios – Xcode找不到Alamofire,错误:没有这样的模块’Alamofire’


  6. ios – 在没有iPhone6s或更新的情况下测试ARKit


  7. 将iOS应用移植到Android


  8. ios – 在Swift中覆盖Objective C类方法


  9. ios – 在WKWebView中获取链接URL


  10. ios – 在Swift的UIView中找到UILabel

