var token: dispatch_once_t = 0 func test() { dispatch_once(&token) { print("This is printed only on the first call to test()") } print("This is printed for each call to test()") } test()
This is printed only on the first call to test() This is printed for each call to test()
但等一下. token是一个变量,所以我可以很容易地做到这一点:
var token: dispatch_once_t = 0 func test() { dispatch_once(&token) { print("This is printed only on the first call to test()") } print("This is printed for each call to test()") } test() token = 0 test()
This is printed only on the first call to test() This is printed for each call to test() This is printed only on the first call to test() This is printed for each call to test()
因此,如果我可以更改令牌的值,dispatch_once是没用的!将令牌转换为常量并不简单,因为它需要类型为UnsafeMutablePointer< dispatch_once_t>.
/* run like: swift once.swift swift once.swift run to see both cases */ class Once { static let run: Void = { print("Behold! \(__FUNCTION__) runs!") return () }() } if Process.arguments.indexOf("run") != nil { let _ = Once.run let _ = Once.run print("Called twice,but only printed \"Behold\" once,as desired.") } else { print("Note how it's run lazily,so you won't see the \"Behold\" text Now.") }
~/W/WhenDoesstaticDefaultRun> swift once.swift Note how it's run lazily,so you won't see the "Behold" text Now. ~/W/WhenDoesstaticDefaultRun> swift once.swift run Behold! Once runs! Called twice,but only printed "Behold" once,as desired.